1.1. Vsphere Monitor

In Data Collection, we introduced the common data sources. As a monitor framework, Open-Falcon can collect the monitor index data of any system as long as they are converted to the standard format of Open-Falcon.

The running data collection of vsphere, like Esxi, datastore, vm and etc., can be done through a script and sent to Open-Falcon.

The monitor data collection of vsphere cluster can be done through vsphere-monitor.


Vsphere-monitor collects the data of vsphere cluster through pyvmomi. It can collect monitor data like ESXi,datastore,vm as long as it is connected to vcenter. The data is sent to Open-Falcon through the data port of Open-Falcon.

Required Version

python 2.7

Reported Data Field

metric tag type note
datastore.capacity datacetner=datacenter,datastore=datastore,type=type GAUGE used disk space
datastore.free datacetner=datacenter,datastore=datastore,type=type GAUGE available disk space
datastore.freePercent datacetner=datacenter,datastore=datastore,type=type GAUGE percentage of available disk space
esxi.alive datacetner=datacenter,cluster_name=cluster_name,host=host GAUGE esxi 1 means surviving; can be used in Nodata
esxi.net.if.in datacetner=datacenter,cluster_name=cluster_name,host=host GAUGE esxi incoming network data (of all the network cards)
esxi.net.if.out datacetner=datacenter,cluster_name=cluster_name,host=host GAUGE esxi outgoing network data (of all the network cards)
esxi.memory.freePercent datacetner=datacenter,cluster_name=cluster_name,host=host GAUGE esxi percentage of available memory
esxi.memory.usage datacetner=datacenter,cluster_name=cluster_name,host=host GAUGE esxi used memory
esxi.memory.capacity datacetner=datacenter,cluster_name=cluster_name,host=host GAUGE esxi total memory
esxi.cpu.usage datacetner=datacenter,cluster_name=cluster_name,host=host GAUGE esxi percentage of used CPU
esxi.uptime datacetner=datacenter,cluster_name=cluster_name,host=host GAUGE esxi uptime
vm.power vm=vm_name GAUGE whether the virtual machine is on; 1 means on and 0 means off; can be used in Nodata
vm.net.if.in vm=vm_name GAUGE incoming network data of virtual machine (of all the network cards)
vm.net.if.out vm=vm_name GAUGE outgoing network data of virtual machine (of all the network cards)
vm.datastore.io.write_latency vm=vm_name GAUGE latency in writing of virtual machine storageio
vm.datastore.io.read_latency vm=vm_name GAUGE latency in reading of virtual machine storageio
vm.datastore.io.write_numbers vm=vm_name GAUGE IOPS in writing of virtual machine storage
vm.datastore.io.read_numbers vm=vm_name GAUGE IOPS in reading of virtual machine storage
vm.datastore.io.write_bytes vm=vm_name GAUGE data size of writing in virtual machine storage
vm.datastore.io.read_bytes vm=vm_name GAUGE data size of reading in virtual machine storage
vm.memory.freePercent vm=vm_name GAUGE percentage of available memory in virtual machien
vm.memory.usage vm=vm_name GAUGE used memory in virtial machine
vm.memory.capacity vm=vm_name GAUGE total memory in virtual machine
vm.cpu.usage vm=vm_name GAUGE used CPU of virtual machine
vm.uptime vm=vm_name GAUGE virtual machine uptime


Get the code

git clone https://github.com/freedomkk-qfeng/vsphere-monitor.git

Install dependency

yum install -y python-virtualenv
cd vsphere-monitor
virtualenv ./env
./env/bin/pip install -r requirement.txt


Edit the configuration file config.py

# falcon
endpoint = "vcenter" # endpoint reported to open-falcon 的 endpoint
push_api = "" # reported http api port
interval = 60 # time interval of reporting

# vcenter
host = "vcenter.host" # address of vcenter
user = "administrator@vsphere.local" # username of vcenter
pwd = "password" # password of vcenter
port = 443 # port of vcenter

# esxi
esxi_names = [] # esxi that needs to be collected; collect all if is null

# datastore
datastore_names = [] # datastore that needs to be collected; collect all if is null

# vm
vm_enable = True # whether to collect the information of virtual machine or not
vm_names = [     # virtual machine that needs to be collected; collect all if is null


Try to execute at first. Assume vsphere-monitor is under /opt:

/opt/vsphere-monitor/env/bin/python /opt/vsphere-monitor/vsphere-monitor.py

Add it to the timed task if there is no problem.

crontab -e
0-59/1 * * * * /opt/vsphere-monitor/env/bin/python /opt/vsphere-monitor/vsphere-monitor.py


Part of the virtual machiens cannot collect vm.net.if.in and vm.net.if.out metric. This is because the metric about network is collected through PerformanceManager of vsphere. When you view the performance diagram of a virtual machine in vcenter, you will also find the error as 未指定衡量指标 or No Metric Specified. This is a bug in vmware and it is fixed after vSphere 6.0 Update 1.

For detailed information, please refer to the official Knowledge at The Error "No Metric Specified (2125021)" occurs while viewing the performance diagram of a virtual machine in VMware vSphere Client 6.0 .


esxi vm

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